The Crow's Nest

Holy Moley, our 43 years of wedded bliss were tested today. After trying to follow very ambiguous directions for 2 ½ hours Chuck and I completed the arduous task of assembling our new “Sleep-Number” bed. When Chuck asked me to look at the directions I knew we were in deep trouble as my “following direction capabilities” are almost non-existent. Thankfully everything seems to be up and running and we both should sleep like babies from now on.

I can’t believe it has been almost a month since I wrote the last Crow’s Nest. Where has the time gone? It has been a busy time for us as we flew out to the Seattle and Olympia area to spend time visiting with family. I can at last say without a doubt there is a Mt Rainier. I always thought it probably was a figment of our relative’s imagination or a great tourist come-on. On this trip we finally saw the mountain; and yes, it was very impressive. It seems every time we visit the Seattle area there are clouds hiding the landscape.

We were wined and dined royally and took in many wonderful sights. I brought home a whole suitcase full of tropical plants that I am supposed to try growing in our North Dakota climate. I have a pineapple plant with a fruit that will soon be ready to harvest. I learned how to replant so we can have more fresh pineapple in the future. I also enjoyed listening to my cousin, Dori Monson on KIRO radio. He is a very popular and controversial talk radio host. My understanding is he is not afraid to butt heads with anyone over issues pertaining to the city of Seattle and beyond. I know he has many loyal listeners among family members on Chuck’s side of the family in the Seattle-Tacoma metro area.

Once again we see lights over at the Ulberg house. Nancy Seim bought Effie and Marvin’s house and has moved some furniture into it. Nancy is a pharmacist out in Minot, but purchased this home in Edinburg. Nancy is so faithful about coming “home” every weekend to take her mom, Gena to church. It is so good to see activity in the neighborhood.

David Hilde had an auction at his place next door to us last weekend. There were quite a few people at the auction. It lasted long in to the afternoon. I watched as individuals carried many items to their vehicles. I understand David is now living in Grand Forks.

John and Christina Monson and daughter, Madelyn were here recently visiting John’s parents, David and Loretta Monson. John and family live in Carson City, Nevada. David and Loretta enjoyed every minute entertaining their grand-daughter, Madelyn. David and Loretta’s daughter, Katie and her friend, Scott Knoblauch also were here to visit. They both live in the Minneapolis area. The whole family enjoyed a hayride at the Allen Sorbo farm one evening. I am sure all grand-parents and parents can relate to how much fun it is to have family come home to visit.

I heard this evening on the news that this has been the longest growing season in history for this area. I believe it! If we would not have pulled vines and such before going to Seattle we may still have had cucumbers for supper at night----same with tomatoes!!! According to a story on the 6 o’clock news this evening farmers had a successful year. I truly hope that is the case for every farmer as most often the end result is not that great.

I know the Norwegian tour group came to Edinburg. I am sure they had a wonderful time. I saw a picture of Greg Hall dancing in the Grand Forks Herald. He told me he was coerced by Chuck Haga of the Herald to get out and dance.

We missed the tour group as Chuck and I were in Fargo to attend the awards ceremony of the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute-North Dakota State University dinner. Chuck’s younger brother, Jon, received the John Agrey award, which is a huge honor from the state of North Dakota. Four of Jon’s five siblings were there to see him receive this award. Chuck and I sat with the Provost of NDSU, Craig Schnell and his wife, the Director of the Transportation Institute, Gene Griffin and his wife and also with Keith Bjerke, former Adjutant General of the North Dakota National Guard and now Vice President for University Relations at NDSU. I kept my foot “at the ready” in case Chuck started to show his “Fighting Sioux” pride a little too much in Bison territory. Fortunately his shins escaped being touched. It was a wonderful evening and a great honor for Jon.

David and Loretta and Chuck and I went to Mountain this morning at 7 AM to have breakfast. That is a nice way to start the morning.

Happy 90th birthday to Dorothy Thomasson. She had a party at the Community Center this afternoon.

A special welcome to Lois Ydstie, Dorothy Hall’s mom, who has just moved to Edinburg from Minot. She is taking up residence in the “apartments”. What a fun place to move to and I know Lois will enjoy many, many coffee parties with her wonderful neighbors. The apartments in Edinburg are a great place to live.

Hope all is well and will converse later.


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October 20, 2007

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Things You Probably Don't Want to Know

1. "Almost" is the longest commonly used word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

2. "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".

3. A dime has 118 ridges around the edge. A quarter has 119.

4. A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.

5. A dragonfly can fly 25 mph.

(facts are from